I love to travel. If you're driving, do more than just pack a bag and write an itinerary. Take care of your vehicle through auto service repairs.


Maintain Your Spark Plugs Well To Avoid Engine Damage & Other Issues

14 November 2016
, Blog

Spark plugs are important components in petrol engine vehicles and yet most of the time they do not get the attention they deserve when it comes to repairs and maintenance. In fact, many spark plug issues are often initially mistaken for something else until a proper diagnosis is done. This is possibly due to the fact that spark plugs rarely malfunction. However, when they do, they can cause lots of inconvenience and lots of serious damage to your vehicle.
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Common Causes of Roadside Breakdowns and How to Prevent Them

26 August 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Breaking down while on the road cause major problems. You could find yourself stuck on a highway surrounded by heavy traffic or at the side of the road in the middle of nowhere. Below is a guide to some of the most common causes of roadside breakdowns and ways you can prevent them. Car Battery Problems with your car battery will normally prevent you from starting the car engine; however, it is possible for battery problems to affect your car mid-drive.
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Three Truths About Your Car Tyres

15 August 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Tyres are often considered the number one safety feature on a vehicle. Thus, taking good care of your tyres is vital. As a new car owner, you're bound to come across various myths and misconceptions about the tyres. Falling for these myths can be dangerous and costly. Here is a discussion on three common myths about car tyres. The "Max Press" Number And Tyre Burst Pressure Tyres come with various bits of information inscribed on their sidewalls.
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Dealership or Corner Garage for Auto Repairs

28 July 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Owning a car comes with the extra burden of maintenance and repair costs. You will need automotive repairs quite a number of times throughout your car's lifetime. For many people, the question of whether to use a dealership or "Joe's garage" at the corner of the block comes every time a repair is needed. Dealerships have technicians who are manufacturer trained to work on specific car makes and models. Ordinary garages, on the other hand, are not tied down to specific car manufacturers.
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How To Tell That Your Car Battery Is About To Die

6 July 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you have dealt with a flat car battery before, then you how unpleasant the experience can be. The sad story about a dying car battery is that it can go flat anytime at anyplace. That is when you start to look for dubious methods of restarting your car or recharging the battery. However, there are signs that can tell you about a flat battery or one that is almost flat.
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About Me
Essential Auto Service Before Road Trips: Preparation Tips

Welcome to my blog. My name is Cory, and I love to travel. I especially love long caravan or car journeys, and I have taken several through Australia, Eastern Europe and even Brazil. Now, that I am a bit older, have more responsibilities and can't travel as often, I love to write about it. If you are driving, you have to do more than just pack a bag and write an itinerary. You also have to take care of your vehicle through auto service repairs. Want to know which repairs are essential, which can be avoided and which can be done on your own? Then, you have to explore these posts. I hope they help you have a fabulous journey.