5 Signs Your Car Needs New Oil Coolers

I love to travel. If you're driving, do more than just pack a bag and write an itinerary. Take care of your vehicle through auto service repairs.

5 Signs Your Car Needs New Oil Coolers

5 Signs Your Car Needs New Oil Coolers

17 May 2022
, Blog

Perhaps you've noticed a few oil leaks, or maybe the oil seems to be getting dirty faster than normal. Whatever the case, it's time to get your car checked out. Here are five signs that could mean your car needs new oil coolers:

1. You May Need New Oil Coolers If Your Car Is Overheating

If your car is running hot and you notice that the coolant temperature is not dropping, it could be a sign of an issue with your oil coolers. Your engine may be getting too hot and causing damage to the other parts of your engine. If this is happening, it could mean that you need new oil coolers right away.

2. You May Need New Oil Coolers If You're Experiencing Low Oil Pressure In Traffic Or During Hard Acceleration

If you notice that your oil pressure drops when you're driving at high speeds or accelerating from a stoplight, this could also be caused by an issue with one or more of your oil coolers (or other components). This low pressure can lead to serious damage if it persists over time—so make sure to get it checked out by an auto specialist as soon as you can.

3. You May Need New Oil Coolers If You're Experiencing An Excess Of Oil Consumption

Excess oil consumption is a sign that the engine is overheating and not working as efficiently as it should be. It may also indicate damage to piston rings and cylinder walls due to excess heat exposure, which will lead to further damage if left untreated.

4. You May Need New Oil Coolers If You Notice Smoke

There could be a big problem if you're experiencing an excess of smoke coming out through the exhaust pipe or undercarriage of your car, especially when it's idling or accelerating slowly. This means that there is likely something wrong with one or more of your engine valves—most likely one that has become stuck open—and this smoke will most likely continue until those valves are replaced by qualified technicians at an auto shop.

5. You May Need New Oils If You Notice Leaking Oil On The Ground

If you notice that your car is leaking oil onto the ground somewhere under it, this could be due to a crack or hole in your current set of oil coolers. If this happens often enough, it can cause major damage to other parts of your vehicle as well as be a fire hazard.

Your car's oil coolers are essential components that keep your engine running smoothly. If they're not working properly, your engine could overheat and damage itself. If you notice the above signs, speak with a mechanic about new oil coolers today.

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Essential Auto Service Before Road Trips: Preparation Tips

Welcome to my blog. My name is Cory, and I love to travel. I especially love long caravan or car journeys, and I have taken several through Australia, Eastern Europe and even Brazil. Now, that I am a bit older, have more responsibilities and can't travel as often, I love to write about it. If you are driving, you have to do more than just pack a bag and write an itinerary. You also have to take care of your vehicle through auto service repairs. Want to know which repairs are essential, which can be avoided and which can be done on your own? Then, you have to explore these posts. I hope they help you have a fabulous journey.