I love to travel. If you're driving, do more than just pack a bag and write an itinerary. Take care of your vehicle through auto service repairs.


4 Dos to Remember When Jumpstarting Your Vehicle

26 November 2019
, Blog

Today's vehicles exert lots of pressure on the battery. From stereos to navigation and other electronic systems, your battery needs sufficient capacity to handle this high demand. Unfortunately, motorists end up with a dead battery because of many different reasons. Some may have forgotten to turn off their vehicle's electrical equipment, while others may not be taking good care of their battery over time. The good news is that you can implement a quick fix for a dead battery.
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Why You Need to Keep an Eye on Your Car’s Transmission Filter

6 September 2019
 Categories: , Blog

If you have a car fitted with an automatic transmission, then technology can certainly make your life, as a driver, a lot easier. Yet while you may not need to worry about changing gears on a daily basis, you do need to keep an eye on the transmission system, especially if you want to avoid an unwanted and costly failure. Why do you need to pay particular attention to the filtration system within the box itself, and how do you know if something is amiss?
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5 Important Reasons to Conduct Regular Car Service

25 May 2019
 Categories: , Blog

As an automobile owner, a regular car service should be top on your priority list. Regular car servicing is important in limiting the risks of your car breaking down. In the past, car servicing entailed filling your gas and changing your engine. However, this has long changed and it now involves a lot of physical check-ups to most parts of your vehicle. Car servicing varies with your preferred service shop, but the benefits still remain the same.
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Are You Sure the Inside of Your Vehicle Is Roadworthy?

29 January 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Even though Australians may be governed by federal rules, they must conform with other rules and conditions laid down by their respective home state, and especially if they buy a used car that was registered in an adjoining state, but that they wish to use in their local jurisdiction. This means that they will first need to subject the car to a roadworthiness inspection before they can get the paperwork that allows them to actually register the vehicle.
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About Me
Essential Auto Service Before Road Trips: Preparation Tips

Welcome to my blog. My name is Cory, and I love to travel. I especially love long caravan or car journeys, and I have taken several through Australia, Eastern Europe and even Brazil. Now, that I am a bit older, have more responsibilities and can't travel as often, I love to write about it. If you are driving, you have to do more than just pack a bag and write an itinerary. You also have to take care of your vehicle through auto service repairs. Want to know which repairs are essential, which can be avoided and which can be done on your own? Then, you have to explore these posts. I hope they help you have a fabulous journey.